Dear Friends of SJBCB:

I am pleased to announce, that we have officially launched a Planned Giving program, appropriately named SJBCB's Legacy Fund.

When donors are contemplating making a meaningful gift to the San Jose Buddhist Betsuin Church, our Planned Giving program, will provide charitable donation options for their consideration.

Some of the options and financial benefits may include the following:

These types of gifts will create a lasting legacy for SJBCB, ensuring our community remains vibrant and relevant for future generations.

Please feel free to reach out to me personally, as I would invite a personal conversation with you and share more about our goals and vision for the future.

In Gassho
Rinban Gerald Sakamoto

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Name San Jose Buddhist Church in Your Will

Take this easy step to ensure San Jose Buddhist Church's vibrancy into the future. A gift through your will or estate is the easiest gift you can make today.

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Stocks and Investment Accounts: You've Planned for the Future

You receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them.

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Retirement Accounts: A Wise Charitable Gift

You can make a significant gift to San Jose Buddhist Church with retirement plan assets such as IRAs, 401(K)s and 403(B)s without adverse effects to your lifetime finances.

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